Wednesday, December 8
Doors will open at 7:45.
Readings will begin at 8:15
The Bell Foundry
1539 N Calvert Street
In December, WORMS is going to be all juvenilia. Every writer will be performing work they created when they were much younger, more innocent, less worldly.
This month's readers include:
CRICKET ARRISON came to Baltimore in the heady summer of 2008 with a heart full of wonder and a song on her lips. Her dreams came true when she was recently installed as the third member of the Un Saddest Factory Theatre Company. She likes the White Mountains of New Hampshire a whole lot. If you tune your radio to 88.9 at 6:56 pm every Monday - Thursday evening, you will hear her name.
LAUREN BENDER is: 1/3 of Narrow House, 1/1 of curator of the Show&Tell series, and 1/2 of the Bender Twins.
AMY HARMON grew up young on Cape Cod, and moved to several other places after that. She received a BA in French, Art History, and Film Studies from the University of Massachusetts in 1999 and has been singing in the Lexie Mountain Boys for about 5 years now. She loves Baltimore real bad and spends the vast majority of her time thinking about joke chemistry, teaching, irrational fears, Weird Al, and that brief yet magical window of time that was "post-NOT" but somehow "pre-CORNHOLIO."
DINA KELBERMAN went to school at Purchase College, where everything came together. She now lives in Baltimore, MD and is a founding member of Wham City. She makes comics, draws stuff, paints cardboard, website, and routinely brings garbage into the house. She loves her friends dearly. She recently aquired the rank of 4th place for Tetris lines on NES on Twin Galaxies. Please contact her at your slightest whim.
MELANIE O'BRIEN is a baby that grew up. Originally known as Melanie "Hayes", she has been writing since very young. Currently she is working on a project of secret poetry intended never to leave the house, which includes letters to her unborn baby, records of her dreams, and little tiny poems on post-its. Melanie has a respectable job and lives in Baltimore with, among others, her husband and a hungry, growing child in utero.
LOLA PIERSON is an MFA candidate at Towson. She is a founding member of The Un Saddest Factory, a Baltimore based DIY theatre company, and lives at the Bell Foundry. She won third place in the citypaper's fiction contest this year and is the author of many hit plays.
ADAM ROBINSON Adam Robinson grew up in central New York and started writing in earnest after Mrs. Brown, his 9th grade English teacher, praised his story, "Devastatingly Unjust." Since then, he's published work in numerous journals and in two books, including Adam Robison and Other Poems which the Baltimore-based press, Narrow House, released this past spring. He plays guitar in Sweatpants, a rock band.
KIM TABARA lives and works in Baltimore City. He writes for the online magazine Beatbots. He is a contributor to WYPR's Maryland Morning with Sheilah Kast. He will never win the City Paper's Annual Poetry and Fiction competition.
free and open to the public.