Monday, March 14, 2011

Installation Photos from Venn Diagram @ Pent House

Venn Diagram
A group show at Pent House including:

Adam Beaver
Jordan Bernier
John Bohl
Caitlin Cunningham
Alex Ebstein
Sal Farina
Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez
& Jared Paolini

Jordan Bernier's screenprinted posters

Each poster is unique, printed with different colors and in different orders.

Adam Beaver (left) Sal Farina (right)

Caitlin Cunningham

Sal Farina (left) Adam Beaver (right)

Alex Ebstein above and below

Caitlin Cunningham (left) Adam Beaver (center) John Bohl (right)

Lesser Gonzalez (collages) Sal Farina (center print)

Lesser Gonzalez, above and below

Sal Farina, detail

Sal Farina (left) Alex Ebstein (right)

John Bohl (left) Alex Ebstein (center) and Lesser Gonzalez (right)

John Bohl's digital print

Sal Farina demonstrating his interactive animation

Caitlin Cunningham ( plant installation left), Sal Farina (large prints), Adam Beaver (photos)

Sal Farina drawing with a light in his interactive animation, above and below

Jordan Bernier's 3 channel stop-motion animation with music by Jared Paolini

Sara at Brown Paper Bag  also wrote about and photographed the exhibition, view her blog here