Friday, January 18, 2013

CREATIVE PATHS - Park School Alumni & Centennial Exhibition

From day one, Park School was at the forefront of the progressive education movement. Determined to utilize the enlightened teaching methods advocated by John Dewey (in contrast to the child-as-empty-vessel techniques in common use), Park teachers embraced the notion that best educational practices placed learning in the context of the wider world. In particular, Park’s founders sought to cultivate generations of learners with the education, creativity, passion, and dedication necessary to improve the world.
Park alumni, from the first graduating class to the most recent, have enthusiastically fulfilled those goals. This exhibit, Creative Paths, takes a look at just a few Park graduates who have been, and often continue to be, trailblazers in a wide variety of fields and disciplines. Whether guiding Baltimore into its recent renaissance, or creating the world’s most utilized online resource for medical information on breast health, or gaining international recognition for experimental music, these alumni shape our world in countless ways.

Please join the curators, Alex Ebstein and Abby Krolik (Park class of 2008), at the opening reception for Creative Paths on Thursday, January 24 at 3:30pm in the Richman Gallery. Food will be provided by the Upper School Gallery Committee.