Andrew Laumann and Shaun Flynn in front of Robby Rackleff's video projection
End Of Daze @ Space 1026
On View through August 28
Baltimore invades Philadelphia

Respawning Grounds from Robby Rackleff on Vimeo.

Chiara Keeling, left, Jordan Bernier center, Caitlin Cunningham right
Shaun Flynn behind his awesome sculpture

Liz and Jen

Alex and Seth
Alex Lukas and Bonnie

Seth Adelsberger left 3, Jimmy Joe Roche right

John Bohl 2 left, Lesser Gonzalez 4 small, Jimmy Joe Roche video, Shaun Flynn right

Shaun, Molly and Lesser in front of John Bohl's painting

Chiara Keeling with her piece

Shaun Flynn (stellated octahedron)

Robby Rackleff's Respawning Grounds

Seth, Nick and Marianne in front of Jimmy's cutout

Caitlin Cunningham in front of her two flower collages

Jordan Bernier and John Bohl in front of Jordan's drawings

Alex and Andrew

Stuart Lorimer in front of Lesser Gonzalez's drawings

Annie Grey, John Bohl and Michael Benevento

Do you see this flower collage by Caitlin of the boy in the bubble? SO AMAZING!

April Osmanof in front of John Bohl's The Friend Maker

John Emory

Nicky, Emily, Claire

Michael and Annie
Shaun, Seth, Chris and Alex

Shaun Flynn's sculpture, in front of Robby Rackleff's video photo by Alex Lukas

Jimmy Joe Roche's Vortex Accumulator Photo by Alex Lukas

Alex gives Jordan and Lesser a tour of the studio
Respawning Grounds from Robby Rackleff on Vimeo.
Go Check it out yourself!!
Space 1026
1026 Arch Street, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
More Photos HERE