The Quart Bag show, the current art event on display at Civilian Art Projects, featured a variety of creative contents in plastic bags, priced affordably at 50 and 100 dollars per piece.
Niki Painter and Cara Ober's pieces
Sue Johnson's watercolor piece
Civiian Intern (and friend/twin) Rachel
Mary Early's pieces
John Bohl
Alex Ebstein's tiny drawing
Michael M. Clements' "Hand Bag" and John Bohl's untitled piece
Bonner Sale's painting Kate G and participating artist Nikki Painter
Rachel Fick's ilustration
Annie Ewaskio's tiny painting Jon Bobby Benjamin's " you need to save your time"
Bridget Sue Lambert's "when in doubt, lick everyting"
Sara Seidman's photos next to Dana Reifler 's piece Emily C-D's shoehorn bug Briony Evans' "implant left brain/right brain"
The exhibition will be up through August 16th, check it out if you get a chance!
For more information, visit the Civilian website