The Charles Theatre has long been a place for Baltimore to go to see art films. Flanked by Tapas Teatro, the Metro Gallery, Sofi's Crepes, the Club Charles, and the Everyman Theater, it's not hard to to see why they're now calling this Charles Street gateway a part of the "Station North Arts District". So who are the chaps who run these establishments? That's right. Artists of all breeds. Thus the Charles Theatre has opened up it's big red wall in it's illustrious hallway to it's humble employees to both benefit them and the community.
The plan is to have a monthly rotation of pieces brought together under a unifying theme. To honor the establishment that harbors them, "meet me at the movies" seemed like a good place to start. Openings will be held on the first Thursday of every month from 7pm to 9pm to smell the popcorn and gaze, enraptured, at the work.
Participating artists for the first show of the Charles Theatre Workers Art Wall are Nicholas Tillet, Annie Ewaskio, Melody Shickley, and Sara Seidman. So come down this Thursday December 4th, look at the art, and maybe even check out a movie. Harold and Maude plays at 9pm!