Everbody Is Friends Here
October 10-31, 2010
Opening Reception and floral meet and greet: Oct 10, 4-6pm
(Rain date: October 17th, 4:00 - 6:00pm)
Tinges Commons
33rd and Frisby Street
Tinges Commons presents Laura Hudson's Everybody is Friends Here, an integration of social happening, participatory paintings and responsive representations consisting of video stills and painting. The social gathering is a meet and greet where fake flowers and special nametags will facilitate flirtatious and awkward interactions. Following the event, the Tinges Commons kiosk will serve as a canvas for Hudson's iconic painting and printed selection of video stills. Based on the kiosk images, the artist will create a final studio painting that will later become a thank-you print distributed to all participants involved. Meanwhile, a series of three "face cutout" paintings installed on the site invite passersby to become different characters. The cutout panels tell a simple story about two creatures meeting and ends with an intimate embrace. As the story progresses, the characters become closer and closer, and in the final panel the cutouts become one - inviting participants to kiss. Through the social happening, painted representation, print exchange, and participatory cutouts, Everybody is Friends Here is an integration of intimate interaction and representation thereof.