Hope against Hope
Exhibition Dates: October 8 – December 4
Opening Reception October 8, 6-10PM, Cash Bar
Live performance by Laure Drogoul, Dustin Wong, and H. Honne Wells
corner of Fayette and Front (near President st, end of I-83)
Current Space, in conjunction with Carroll Museums, is proud to present Hope Against Hope at the Phoenix Shot Tower, curated by Michael Benevento and Andrew Shenker
From the theft of fire [by Prometheus], to contamination through water [Leviticus]; echoing the home of invention and the cornerstone laying by Charles Carroll of Carrollton; a commercial enterprise dissolves the myth of bullets and opens onto hope as poison at the bottom of Pandora's box.
Scattering the fragments of history to the sound of falling water, this once tallest building in the US becomes a site of modest explorations and play.

Featuring site specific performances, video, drawing, installation, and more.
Adrian Lohmüller, Anthony Boening, Dane Nester, Dustin Carlson, Dustin Wong, Elizabeth McTernan, Eric Leshinsky, Fred Scharmen, Gram Coreil-Allen, H. Honne Wells, Heda Hokschirr, Jan Razauskas, John Ellsberry, Jordan Bernier, Julianne Hamilton, Kathleen Mazurek, Kristen Anchor, Laure Drogoul, Lou Joseph, Marian Glebes, Patrick Caulfield, Mike Washington, Ms. Nagle’s March Middle School Class, Robby Rackleff, Ryan von Dohlen, Sometimes Dining, Stewart Watson, Susie Brandt, Teddy Johnson, and Tim Doherty.