October 16 - November 6
Opening Reception: Saturday, October 16th, 7 - 10pm
Michael Dotson creates contemporary, synthetic landscapes that achieve a hi-tech sensibility through the use of low-tech media (paint and tape). Applying basic two-point perspective and color theory, Dotson creates vivid geometric simulations of imagined utopic environments. Interior and exterior virtual spaces are rendered with a hard-edged digital flatness that belies the fact that the work is made by the human hand.
From pimped out space-age cribs to a crashed, semi-submerged UFO in a crystal mountain lake, Dotson's imagery draws equally from video game nostalgia and idealized contemporary culture.
Also on view will be a new series of pixelated marker drawings that turn universal pop symbology into personal iconography.

H&H Bldg.
405 W. Franklin St.
3rd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
Hours by Appointment