Infinity's Kitchen is a graphic literary journal seeking visual and performance artists to feature in our publication, online and in print. We're an arts and letters publication with a focus on the experimental and the avant-garde. To give you an idea of what we're looking for, our influences include: Dada publications, Futurism, Early Modernist journals, UbuWeb … and the avant-garde in general. Each issue, we'd like to devote a feature article to one artist's work, but we're also looking for news about shows and performances, interviews with artists, etc. If you are interested in experimental print design, we would love to discuss a collaboration.
If your work is published, you'll be paid in the form of contributor's copies, and of course the rights to your work would remain your own.
Visit http://infinityskitchen.com/ for more information, including back issues. Feel free to reply with examples of your work, questions, etc.