PLAYTHINGS, a group show featuring work involving/inspired by/intended
for the act of play will be opening at the Metro Gallery next
Thursday, May 8th. The opening will be fun, this is a personal
promise. Please come. It is from 7 to 11pm, and the gallery is located
at 1700 N Charles Street. AND don't quote me on this, but I heard
there might be free booze. I will get back to you on this.
PLAYTHINGS features work by (in no particular order): Ben Fino-Radin,
Milana Braslavsky, Dina Kelberman, Alex Worthington, Ryan Cecil Smith,
Natalie Jenison, Noel Friebert, Nik Pence, Meghan Clay, Michael
Gerkovich, Giuliana Pinto, and Stefani Levin.