Saturday, April 5, 2008


Erin Womack 's enchanted forest

Its still happening, RIGHT NOW, more reporting when there is time! Til then:

Lauren and Leigh Bender

Get your ass to Load of Fun!

This is about to be the longest photo essay in the history of photo essays, be amazed we are living in the Transmodern age

Friday night installation and performance pieces:

Jackie Milad's sound and visual whistling installation

Bonner Sale and Rick Delaney

Red Carpet Entrance

Spoon Popkin's Love letters

Xavier Shapiro and Simone offered people's scores for the evening and rapped fortunes

My Score for the evening

Dina Kelberman's video installation "OH"

Third floor

Bonnie Jones's performance installation

Alex Worthington' Artisan Shoppe

Enchanted Forest

Erin's installation was probably the most memorable piece of the evening, making over the Single Carrot Theater space into an alternative dimension, or a portal to another world. With the lights turned down its hard to understand, as the viewer, what you are walking into at first - but then eyes adjust and its clearly an enchanted forest with silver painted birch tree limbs climbing the patterned, silver walls and a large video projection of more trees, and most importantly, a god-like-tree-creature swaying from side to side. If this wasn’t transformation enough, 3 to 4 performers greet you with baskets of dried bean shells and silver rings, welcoming you into their imagined planet.
-With help from Bonner Sale

Saturday going to be a separate entry.